My New Happy: I Forgot You Were Funny

Thursday, April 17, 2014

I Forgot You Were Funny

When my boys were little, they made me laugh all the time.  The things that came out of their mouths were so precious, and they were just so darn adorable.  

My older son was four and he had just dumped a bucket of sand on the head of our long suffering family dog, and he thought it was hysterical.  I said "C, that is not funny". Without missing a beat, he raised his eyebrows and replied, "Is it a little funny"?  C looked so cute, and the dog looked so disgusted...and it actually was a little funny.

But then they grow up.  Of course they're still cute, in their own teenager way, but often the things they say aren't all that charming.  As a mom of two teen boys, so many of my interactions with them include reprimanding, teaching, lecturing, and being generally annoyed, and I forget....they're still funny.

Last weekend, my cousins and I were having a "group texting" party.  We live all around the country so we occasionally get together via our phones and catch up.  However, I have a "dumb" phone and sometimes it can't keep up with the conversation.  At one point I had 38 unread messages, and every time I tried to reply to someone, the phone kicked me off.  I was complaining and venting to my younger son and husband while they tried to watch a movie.  T got tired of hearing about it and said, "Here mom, let me help you". Hallelujah, the tech savvy teen would have the answer!  Without a word, he turned the phone off and handed it back to me.

I stared at him, appalled, ready to yell...but then I burst out laughing.  In that moment I remembered that laughter is one of the joys of parenthood that often gets forgotten as we deal with hormones, drama, worries about driving, and general all around sulky behavior. Thank you for reminding me...I forgot you were funny.

Throwback Thursday

Since I just started my blog, I thought it would be fun to post a picture each week from when my boys were younger.  This picture was taken in 2007 when C was 12 and T was 9.  Weren't they cute?  This was before braces and contacts.  I love the freckles.


  1. I love seeing the then a now picture and I totally agree about remembering to laugh.

    1. Thank you so much! I wasn't sure about posting the throwback picture - I'm glad you liked it!

  2. I agree, kids say the funniest things! My boys are 9 and 11 and I miss the mis-pronunciations.

    1. My older son made up so many words when he was little - it was like his own language. I wish I would have written more of them down. Thanks so much for stopping by to read my blog!

  3. LOL That was funny! I love how, no matter how old they get, our kids continue to surprise us.

    1. Thanks for reading! Yes, mine surprise me every day.

  4. I can totally relate! My older guys are 11 and 12 now - surly a good bit of the time and far too cool for Mom. But every once in a while they let their crazy out and we have a good laugh!

    1. Thanks so much for commenting :) My 19 year old has decided that I'm cool again, but the 16 year old not so much.

  5. That was very funny. I think my 9yo is already that sarcastic. Love the photos! Found you from Type A Parent.

    1. Thank you for the kind words. Yep, the sarcasm starts at a young age these days :)

  6. Awwww - so sweet! I loved this post. I have 2 toddlers and although they are funny, they are also strange little people :o)

    1. Thank you for the nice comment. Yep, our kids are a little strange, aren't they? Part of what makes them fun :)

  7. Remembering to laugh and cut us all some slack is hard sometimes but so important. I'm pretty poor at doing this, I must admit but it's important for our kids to see us smile along with them. Must try harder! Thanks for the reminder :)

    1. Thank you for reading. I forget too, but I'm trying to do better.

  8. Yeah, he really was no help, but at least if was funny.

  9. I have two teenagers and I really enjoy their humor. It's a welcome break from the stressful parts of parenting!

    1. I agree. Those are some of the best moments! Thanks for commenting :)


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