My New Happy: Today We're All Irish

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Today We're All Irish

I think I carry a teensy bit of Irish blood, a gift from my maternal grandmother, but at my house on St. Patrick's Day, we're all Irish! In honor of the holiday, I thought I'd share a mish mash of "green" things.
Even though I'm not currently a huge fan of Boston (reference Superbowl XLIX), kudos to them for finally allowing gay and lesbian groups to march in their annual St. Patrick's Day parade on Sunday.  Brian Mahoney, the commander of the Veterans Council, which organizes the parade, said "who am I to judge?" Well done.
I may not be Irish, but my brother-in-law definitely is.  To celebrate, he and his son participated in the St. Patrick's Day Dash this weekend, a 5K race in downtown Seattle.  And after three weeks of sunshine, the skies opened up on Sunday morning and it poured and poured - record, drenching rainfall.  They were absolutely soaked, but had a great time.

We will be having a "traditional" meal of Corned Beef and Cabbage for dinner tonight.  Corned Beef became popular with Irish immigrants when they arrived in this country since it was similar in texture to bacon, and much more affordable.   I always cook my corned beef in the crock pot since it's a tough cut.   Just throw it in, add some water, onions, and the spice packet that comes with the meat, and start it on high for four hours. Switch to low for the last 2-4 hours of cooking.  
I had planned to grab a cute St. Patrick's Day outfit off of Pinterest to share, but then my friend Jill at Doused In Pink posted this, and I love it.  I may or may not be wearing something similar today.

And finally, my very favorite thing about St. Patrick's Day - the Shamrock Shake.  We had these every year when I was a kid, and of course I've continued the tradition with my boys.  I found this recipe at Moms Need To Know, and it's so much better than the fast food restaurant version.

May your troubles be less
Your blessings be more
And nothing but happiness
Come Through Your Door

--Irish Blessing

Happy St. Patrick's Day!


  1. Happy St Patrick's Day Lana...I hope it's a fun day... I like the Irish blessing ♡

  2. I love that little Irish Blessing you included. Need to share this on FB : )

    Happy St. Paddy's Day!

  3. Great post, Lana! Happy St. Patrick's Day to you and your family!

  4. Happy St. Patrick's Day Lana! I'm "green" with envy over that outfit!

  5. Faith and begorrah - it's the same in our house as well on the 17th of March! Everyone becomes full on Irish. Love that you included the healthier shamrock shake recipe. It looks and sounds delicious. And that outfit? Like Jenny above, I'm green with envy. Enjoy your corned beef. Happy St. Patrick's Day to you!

    1. The corned beef turned out delicious! Hope you had a great day.

  6. Happy St. Paddy's day! Your weather arrived here today - but in the form of slushy snow. So much for a short teaser of Spring! Great post - I especially love all the little Shamrocks! Luck 'o the Irish to you always!

  7. Happy St. Patrick's Day Lana! It's huge at our house since it's the hubby's birthday and he's about as Irish as they came. He's even named Patrick! We're having a full Irish breakfast for supper this year since it's his favorite! I LOVE that outfit!

    1. Happy Birthday to your husband - what a cool day for a birthday. Irish breakfast sounds delicious!

  8. I love that Irish blessing and the Shamrock shake, yum! You are so sweet to feature me! Thank you!

    Doused In Pink

  9. Cute outfit and the shake sounds really really good!

  10. Yummy, shamrock shake how could I forget about that. Thanks. I made a pork roast yesterday with a Guinness beer, drizzle of honey and black coffee, and boy did it turn out good. Cole Slaw and leftovers today as pulled pork sandwiches. Don't care for the corned beef. Must be I have no Irish blood just a fan of the day!

    1. Your pork roast sounds delicious! Corned beef isn't my favorite either, but the men in my house sure like it!

  11. Ha! I had corned beef and cabbage on my menu for tonight, until I couldn't find corned beef anywhere. Ah well, I'm going to postpone it until Thursday when Dan is home.

  12. I have no Irish blood, but I am continuing my celebration today! Corned beef and cabbage last night!

  13. How did I miss the copycat shamrock shake recipe?! THANK YOU!!

  14. I'm laughing about the Superbowl reference, since I live in MA and everyone here is nutty about the sports.
    I'm not Irish at all but boy do I love the foods and the spirit!

    1. Oh, you MA people ruined all our fun :)! I love everything about St. Patty's Day too!


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