My New Happy: Whatever Is Lovely

Friday, August 14, 2015

Whatever Is Lovely

I've been wanting to link up with my friend Carrie at A Lovely Little Wardrobe for her Whatever Is Lovely series, but I always seem to miss it. Fingers crossed for today!

--Last week I wrote about the dismal failure in our garden this year.  I'm happy to report, however, that our front yard is doing great.  The flowers are enjoying all the sunshine and warm temperatures.  Me too.

--I came across The Sweet Nest blog a few months ago, and I immediately forwarded it to my most French friend, Deena, because I knew she would appreciate it.  Anna and her family moved to France from the Pacific Northwest last year, and she shares stories, and the most gorgeous pictures, from their adventures.

--My lovely mom is feeling better and her arm seems to be healing well.  She still doesn't have much use of it though, so we'll see what the doctor has to say next week.  And yes, I made her go hiking, even with a broken arm.  It was a short walk and she needed to get out of the house.

--A military vest has been on my radar forever - and I finally found the perfect one!  It's so great, I may need to order another one in a different color.

--Have you gone outside this week to check out the Perseid Meteor Shower? It's one of my favorite things to do this time of year, and my younger son and I get set up in our hammock and watch the show.  Even though the shower peaked on Wednesday, there's still time to catch a few falling stars.

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Your front yard is so pretty! Glad your Mom is doing better! A short hike is always a good way to get out of the house and re-energize! Have a great weekend!

    Doused In Pink

  2. Yay mom!
    Btw your mom is so pretty!

  3. Glad to hear your Mom is well and recovering, and your home is LOVELY! What a curb appeal!! This was a nice post to start my day with. All things lovely indeed! Thanks Lana :-)

  4. Love, love, love your house!!! I'm always on the hunt for a cute military vest...thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks Darlene. I've been looking for the vest forever!

  5. Your flowers are gorgeous Lana, and I hope your mom soon regains full function of her arm.
    I missed the meteor shower at its fullest this year. My husband and kids went out, but I was in the midst of a migraine and couldn't lift my head off the pillow! I have been lucky enough to see a few falling stars though.

    1. I'm so sorry about your migraine. You know I can relate!

  6. Oui, je continue à suivre des blogues françaises....j'adore la culture et le style de vie. Merci pour la recommendation.

  7. Sadly I missed the shower so far. I can't seem to stay awake long enough. Of course, I've had both babies full time this week so I've been dead to the world by 7 every night this week!

  8. Cool vest!

    We missed the shower. Oops!

  9. That's your front yard??? It is BEAUTIFUL!!! And I'm happy to hear that your mom is feeling better.

  10. I didn't see any of the meteor shower... I should have taken a look, it's been so clear here... hopefully next time. I hope your mom is healed soon xox ♡

    1. Thank you Launna. The meteor shower happens every year at this time, so maybe you can see it next year!

  11. You got a very nice home Lana - and yes a military vest is so all-season!


  12. Your house is SO lovely! And yes to military vests. I'm a fan as well.
    I missed the meteor shower - I was really hoping to see it.

    1. Thanks Tamara. The meteor shower was really good this year.

  13. I need a military vest!! You look so fabulous in yours!! Did you take pics of the meteor shower?? I missed it! :(

    1. I've tried taking pictures before but none ever come out. I think I need a better camera!

  14. I'm so glad you're mom is doing better!! I think I bought the same vest {Nordstrom?} but mine is grey because the green was sold out. So glad you did a Whatever is Lovely!!

    1. I'm thinking about getting the grey one too because I love it so much!

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