My New Happy: Motivational Monday XXIII On Tuesday

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Motivational Monday XXIII On Tuesday

You know those times in your life when you're floundering, and nothing you do seems quite right? I've been feeling that way all summer.  But this too shall pass, so I'm going to just dance it out and keep moving on.

My mom got a great report from the orthopedic surgeon on Friday, and she is now happily back home in Arizona.  She still has a long road to reach a full recovery, but dad is taking over for the time being.

I'm waking up from my blog coma, ready to start posting five days a week again.  I've got some new goals and things I want to share, so I hope you'll keep reading along.

And the best news of all - tomorrow is the official launch of The Blended Blog!

I'm so excited about this collaboration with the former Style Me Bloggers, a diverse and lovely group of women who have formed friendships through our individual blogs.  Thanks to the creative mind of Deena, we're coming together to share this collective.  We'll be writing about a wide range of topics and inviting guest posters to do the same.  I hope you'll check us out on Wednesday for an introductory post.  Don't worry - I'll remind you again!

Have a wonderful week!


  1. Glad you Mom is doing better! I'm excited about your new collaboration and can't wait to check out the Blended Blog on Wednesday!

    Doused In Pink

  2. I know what you mean about floundering... I've been doing that for awhile... This weekend I had a light bulb moment and I feel like I'm on a better track... I hope you get there soon too Lana ♡

  3. Beautiful quote...I'm gonna remember that one, it's so fitting for me.

  4. I'm pleased your mother's arm is healing properly now. I always feel like I'm behind and floundering, so you aren't the only one! I'm off to catch up on some of your posts I've missed... xx

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one! I don't think I'll ever be caught up.

  5. Wonderful news about your mom! I love the quote - and can think of many instances when I should refer to it! I'm looking forward to reading your posts every morning again Lana - and cannot wait for the launch of The Blended Blog on Wednesday!
    Have a great week!

    1. Thanks Susan! I'll definitely be hitting you up for some guest posts on TBB!

  6. Great fot your mom! :)

    How exiting with a new blogproject. Wish you luck and I´m looking forward to read it.

    You Rock!!!

  7. This sort of reminds me of how I stumbled today and hurt my ankle! It's so cramping my style. I can't wait to feel better. But, it's part of the whole dance.

    1. I hope you feel better soon. It's hard enough to get things done without an injury!

  8. Yay! I'm so glad you're back! I have been trying to get things under control around here as well. My new blog debuts tomorrow hope you will check it out! I was supposed to email you the other day and forgot! Can't wait to catch up!

  9. good new about your mom.
    I love that quote it's so true, sometimes, you really just have to roll with it
    YAY BlendedBlog tomorrow!

  10. loved the quote (and pinned it!) and off to read the new blog now :) Glad you're getting your blogging mojo back and your mum is doing well!

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