My New Happy: Sometimes, I Wonder Why I Write

Friday, April 8, 2016

Sometimes, I Wonder Why I Write

Two years ago I hit publish on my first blog post.  I remember being exhilarated...and scared.  What was I doing?

I've always loved writing, and I'm pretty sure there's a book inside me somewhere, hoping to come out.  For years I talked about it to anyone who would listen.  One day my cousin, who teaches high school composition and literature, told me if I wanted to be a writer, I needed to write.  She suggested I start with a blog.

Which sounded like a simple idea.  And most people would jump in and get going.  But I tend to over analyze most decisions in my life, so I took some time to think about it - which turned into an entire year.  I debated and pondered and thought, until one day I remembered my favorite Walt Disney quote, "The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing".

Three days later, Two Teens And Their Mama was born.

It's been two years, and sometimes, I wonder why I write.  A blog is sort of like a baby. It needs constant attention and love to make it grow, which is exhausting some days.

But then I remember all the friends I've made.  I've met people from Canada, Montana, Florida, New York, South Carolina, California, Texas.  Amazing women that I wouldn't know existed if I hadn't entered this blog world.  Next week I'm travelling to my first blogging conference with six of these friends, and I can't believe how lucky I am.

I remember my first entries, and I see how much I've grown as a writer. Each post gets me closer to the confidence I'm seeking to let that book out.

I remember that I need this creative outlet, to keep my anxiety down, and make order of all the jumbled thoughts that run around in my head.  My husband thanks the blog every day, I think.

And mostly, I remember how much fun it is.  To take those thoughts and turn them into words.  To read comments, and interact with others.

Two years since I hit publish, and big changes are ahead.  My boys have grown, and my blog name doesn't really make sense anymore.  There will be a new name and a new design, but the same old me.

I hope you'll keep coming back, because in the end, the answer is clear.  I write so that someone will read.  And smile, or laugh, or think.  That's the best reason of all.

Today I'm linking up with the lovely writers at Finish The Sentence Friday.  This week's prompt was "Sometimes I Wonder About My Writing.  I keep on and on because"...


  1. Happy Blogversary! Love you blog and I'm so happy to have "met" you through blogging! Can't wait to see your new name and design!

    Doused In Pink

    1. Thanks Jill! I think you're one of the very first people I connected with, and I'm so happy we've stayed "friends"!

  2. And Indiana too, me, me and I love ya!! Happy Blogiversary and I am excited for your blog changes. You are a brilliant and sweet writer with such a great voice. Keep doing what you are doing and we will all be back for our lovely Lana!!

    1. Yes, definitely Indiana! My dad was born there, in Bloomington. Thank you so much!

  3. You are a great wordsmith and I can't wait to see what you do with this. Signed, your number uno cheerleader.

  4. Happy blogiversary!

    So many times over the past 8 or 9 years I've wanted to quit blogging. The only reason why I keep going is because of the connections I've made.

    I can see you writing a brilliant self help book : )

    Have fun at your conference!


  5. Happy 2 year blogiversary, Lana!! I love all the reasons that you write, and I am very glad that you do. Otherwise, we may never have met! Have a wonderful time at the conference - I can't wait to hear all about it!

    1. Susan, you were my very first blog friend, and I'm so grateful for the friendship we've formed. Wish you were coming to the conference!

  6. Lana, I know what you mean... I remember publishing my first blog almost 7 years ago... writing certainly helps you grow and you get to know so many people all over the world... which I love the most...xox

  7. Happy blogiversary! I'm so glad you write and have a blog because I so enjoy reading it! Have a great weekend!

  8. Happy 2 year blogiversary! I'm glad you write!!

  9. Happy Blog-annivesary! It is so worth it for the friendships. I can't wait to see photos of this blog trip, I am SO jealous!! If y'all ever do another one let me know!!!!


    1. I would love to meet you someday - we will definitely do another trip, and you're invited along!

  10. Happy two years! I had to chuckle about you thinking about starting a blog for a year. I was the opposite and often wish I'd taken more time thinking of a name etc. In the end though, we're both here, writing, and that's what counts.

    1. So true! Thanks so much for the link up, and great prompts. You all inspire me to be a better writer!

  11. Happy Blog-versary indeed and I am with you on loving when people do read my writing on my own blog, as well :)

  12. I think maybe my husband thanks my blog too. I don't think we'd know what we've truly got until it's gone. At least in my case. Even taking long breaks can be refreshing, but I miss writing too much.

  13. Congratulations on hitting two years and still writing.

  14. And Boy! - aren't we glad you DID hit enter two years ago, Lana! I think the blogging world would be such a sad place without you. Congratulations and Happy Blog-Versary! I celebrated one year into blogging a month ago, and can't believe how fast that went. xx Abby

    1. Wow, what a nice compliment! Thank you so much Abby. And congratulations to you too!

  15. Ahhhh congratumanylations on your two-year anniversary, and on the upcoming conference. I loved scanning through your comments and seeing what a difference you seem to have made, and how strongly connected you seem to be - that's wonderful :)

    1. Thank you so much. The connections have been the best part.

  16. Congrats! You have a friend in Oregon too!

  17. Someone mentioned that I should start a blog and I did it that same night. LOL! By the time I got the hang of it, I was on my third URL (a year later). So it pays to think things through I think. I only had about two readers after a year because I had no idea how to get read.

    1. There must be some good middle ground somewhere!

  18. Congratulations Lana! I've only just recently seen your posts through Women of Midlife, but I can relate to your reasons for writing. I tend to over analyze too and writing a blog has taught me so much. Hope to stay connected with your new URL. Best of luck.

  19. I really related with this post. I love writing too it calms me and makes me happy when someone else reads it and finds something for them in it. Great post! :)

  20. I keep on balance because of people like YOU!!
    You, who I've known since close to beginning my blog journey (about 2 years ago too) and I wonder how I could be so lucky to get so quickly connected with such awesome people... and now, now i'm waiting to meet you in real life!!!!!
    Keep writing!!
    See you Thursday (that was super fun to write!!)

    Simply Shaunacey

    1. I'm so excited for Thursday, I can't stand it. I remember reading your blog in the very beginning of my days, and thinking how adorable you were, and not frumpy at all. And now we're friends and we're meeting in three days!!!!

  21. Well said. I wish you lots of luck. I am in the process of growth with my blog and writing as well. It's a scary thing, but so worth it.

    1. It is scary, isn't it? But yes, so worth it. Thanks for stopping by!

  22. Happy 2 years! I am looking forward to see what is ahead for you and your blog!

  23. Happy Blogaversary! I love this post, it reminds me of myself. You have a good perspective on blogging. I think a lot of people get into blogging for the wrong reasons and end up being disappointed. The main reason anyone should blog is first and foremost enjoyment.

    1. You are so right. If you aren't doing it for the right reasons, the work will take over.

  24. Happy blogaversary! And a blogging conference with six friends?! What joys of joys! Which conference are you headed to?

    "I write so that someone will read. And smile, or laugh, or think." I love this.

    Safe travels, Journeyer! Enjoy! <3

    1. We're heading to the BAM conference in Vegas. It is definitely a joy! Thank you so much for your kind words!

  25. Happy 2 year blogiversary! I think you write because you were born to! I wish I could make it to the conference this year. I am so bummed, but maybe next year! I'm hoping you can get to San Fran in September! Have fun and give me all of the deets when you get back!

    1. I SO wish you were coming. We will meet up one of these days! What dates will you be in San Francisco?

  26. Yay! Congrats on your second anniversary, Lana. And I'm excited to hear what you think about your conference. Which one are you going to? I recently attended Build A Better Blog thanks to the invitation of two dear blogging friends. Guess where we met in person? There. For the first time. Very cool. Safe travels.

    1. Thanks Kelly. I'm heading to the BAM conference in Las Vegas. SO excited!

  27. I just kept nodding and saying "yup, yup, me too" through your post. So many similar reasons - and yes, my husband is probably thankful that many of my words end up on my blog and not flying around him! He's most definitely NOT a word person. :D Like you, I often over-analyze things like this. When I started the blog I just threw it up there and tossed caution to the wind. Love your post and great reasons for sharing your words!

    1. So true - if I didn't write the words down, they might fly around and hurt somebody! Thank you so much!

  28. Happy Blogiversary! I cannot wait to see what you have in store for us! Plus I want to read anything you write! So get to writing that book, I know it will be fabulous!

    1. Sarah, you are the sweetest. And I get to meet you in three days!!!!

  29. Look at all the support you have for YOU, your writing, your message. Yay, YOU! My dad wanted to be a writer so he wrote. I want to be a writer but I didn't write, just talked a lot about it. Blogging is taking us one step closer to our books!!


Reading your comments is one of the best parts of blogging! I read and appreciate them all!

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