My New Happy: The Power Of Positive Thinking

Friday, April 15, 2016

The Power Of Positive Thinking

Happy Friday!  I'm in Las Vegas today with six of my blogging buddies, attending the BAM Conference, shopping, eating, and having fun.  I'll be back next week refreshed and rejuvenated, and hopefully with a ton of new blogging knowledge.

Since I didn't have time to write anything for today, I thought I'd re-run my most popular post - about the day I met Ellen DeGeneres.  It's truly a testament to the power of positive thinking!


I swear on my blogging bible that every word of the following story is true!  This experience cemented my belief in the power of positive thinking.

Ten years ago one of my friends was in the hospital for two months.  She was having serious pregnancy complications, and the only chance her twins had of surviving was complete bed rest under constant medical care.  Needless to say, it was a long sixty days for her.  One of the things that saved her sanity was watching The Ellen DeGeneres Show every day.  She loved her positive attitude, and Ellen always made her laugh.

When my friends' babies were born early but healthy, we all celebrated!  I wanted to do something special to reward her for her hard work.

I decided I would take her to L.A. to see the Ellen Show.  Famous last words.  I had no idea how hard it is to get tickets.  I tried everything for over six months.  I went online and filled out the ticket form - no go - every day the shows were already full.  I tried emailing Ellen - yeah, me and thousands of other people.  I was obsessed with getting Ellen tickets (just ask my husband - he was getting tired of my obsession) - but nothing was working out.

After many months, I finally gave up on the idea of seeing the show.  I was so disappointed - I could just picture us in the audience.  C'est la vie - I decided to take my friend to L.A. anyway for a long girls weekend.

We flew in on Saturday and did some sightseeing.  On Sunday we decided to go shopping on Melrose Ave., and ended up at the Fred Segal store.  We were wandering around, shocked at how much everything cost.  I turned the corner, looked up.....

And there was Ellen Degeneres.

She was shopping for sweaters with her now wife, Portia De Rossi, and a sales clerk.  I turned back to my friend, and we stared at each other with wide eyes, not knowing what to do next. We snuck back around the corner to regroup, and quickly decided that we would always regret it if we didn't say something.  I was a little worried about this.  I'm obviously not a celebrity, so I can only imagine how annoying it is to be bothered every time you go out in public.

But the opportunity was too good to pass up, so common sense went out the window.  I cautiously approached Ellen and Portia, all the while waiting for a bodyguard to step out and haul me away.  When I caught Ellen's eye, I apologized for interrupting her, and asked if I could say hello.  She immediately turned to me and said "of course"! 

Ellen talked to us for 45 minutes.  She was kind and gracious and truly engaged in our conversation.  I can tell you that she is just as nice in person as she appears on television, and actually much more beautiful. Her eyes are a piercing shade of blue - I couldn't look away! She posed for a picture with us, taken by Portia.  My husband was mad about that - he thought she should have been in the photo! Definitely true, but we were too overwhelmed to think clearly.  Luckily the section of the store we were in was not crowded, so we had her to ourselves the entire time.

Eventually I got around to telling her my story of trying to get tickets to her show.  She immediately pulled out her phone, called her assistant, and had two tickets put on will call for us for the next day's taping.

We were speechless.  Meeting Ellen in person, and getting tickets for the show? We finally broke away and let her get on with her shopping. 

The next day we went to the taping and were given VIP treatment.  No waiting in lines, the best seats in the house, and Ellen came over and talked to us again during a commercial break.  It was a once in a lifetime experience.

When I got home I sent her a copy of the picture with a thank you note.  She returned it with her autograph and a nice handwritten letter about how much she enjoyed meeting us too.  I mean, who does that?

I will never again doubt the power of positive thinking.  Even now, all these years later, I think about that day and the chances of our paths crossing.  I think it was truly meant to be. Love ya, Ellen!


  1. This is such an amazing story. I liked it even more the second time around : )

    Have fun!


  2. Awesome story! Have fun in Vegas!

  3. Are you serious? This is SO crazy! What an amazing story, I totally believe in positive thinking and that things like this happen for a reason! Your friend was meant to see Ellen and her show! Thanks for sharing this special story and I hope you are have a ball in Vegas!


  4. Wow such an amazing tale, its so nice to hear that a celebrity that is such an amazing person to watch on T.V. has the same great personality in real life.

  5. Holy cow, this story. I have to share it. I'm a fan of Ellen's. She's what happens when truly good, talented people happen to become famous.. and do great things with it.
    Have fun in Vegas!

  6. Ellen is a genuine person in a world full of phonies. I'm so glad you took your friend to have a good time, no matter what. Thank you for sharing this.

  7. Whaaaaaaat? This is magical, Lana. Absolutely magical. Thank you for reinforcing my belief that Ellen is a very special person. May your blogging conference be everything you hope it will be. Looking forward to hearing all about it.

  8. This is one of the COOLEST stories! I have tears in my eyes. I've loved Ellen for years and it's wonderful to hear that she's as great a person as she seems on tv. SO SO cool! Thanks for sharing and I hope you are having fun in Vegas!

  9. OMG. This makes me love her so much more! She is truly a humble amazing lady!

  10. i have never read this... this is so wonderful ... wow... the positive thinking is so great... I am so happy you had this beautiful opportunity xox

  11. This post is worth sharing at least once a year Lana! It is such a great story. Have a wonderful time in Vegas!!

  12. Oh my gosh! This is the GREATEST story!!!

  13. I love Ellen! This is such a great story and what an amazing experience!

    Doused In Pink

  14. Holy cow! How incredible is that?! I'm speechless! Best story ever!

  15. First of all, what a great friend you are! Second of all, how cool!!!

  16. So refreshing and reassuring to know that some people are just plain nice and good at heart, no matter how famous they become. I love that all of you gals discovered that you were just as each of you imagined before meeting in Las Vegas. Such a heart-warming story.

  17. Oh my goodness. No way. I love Ellen and hearing this makes me smile! What an incredible story. So glad that you shared it again so I could catch it.


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