My New Happy: Grandpa Ed is 99

Friday, September 1, 2017

Grandpa Ed is 99

This weekend, my Grandpa Ed turns 99.  If you've read my blog for awhile, you know all about Grandpa Ed.  He is truly one of a kind, and I wish everyone could know him.

He still lives at home, drives a car, and takes care of himself.  Every morning at 7am he gets up, goes for a walk, showers, and starts his day.  No matter what, he always has a positive attitude.  Grandpa was born in 1918 - it's crazy to think about the things he's seen!  He's still eager to learn, and you'll never hear "well, back in my day, we did it this way".  Instead he says, "how do you work this new fangled thing"?

Although he has slowed down physically this year, his mind is still as sharp as ever.  Do not try to pull a fast one on Grandpa, because he'll catch you every time.

Grandpa Ed truly is the sun in our family.  We're just the planets circling around him, trying to soak up as much as we can of this amazing man.  

A few years ago I wrote a post about the things I've learned from Grandpa Ed, and in honor of his birthday, I'm running it again today.  

Family is important.

Grandpa Ed and Grandma Mary had four children.  When my mom was eight, grandpa was offered a job that required him to travel around the United States, staying in each town for several months at a time.  He didn't want to leave his wife and kids behind, but he needed the job.  So they sold their house, bought a 20 foot trailer, and took off as a family.  I can't imagine living in a small trailer with six people, traveling the country, for seven years.  I'm pretty sure I'd be heading back home after a few weeks.  But that's what they did.  And they never regretted it, because they were together.  

From those four kids, grandpa has eleven grandchildren and twelve great-grandchildren, and we all love him madly. He makes time for each and every one of us, because family is important.

Stay active.

Did I mention Grandpa Ed is 96?  He still lives in his own home, drives, and his mind is as sharp as ever.  Every week he golfs 18 holes, and only in the last year has he used a golf cart because his hips hurt.  He walks around the block every day, and he's been known to pull his bike out when his car is in the shop.  When I asked if he wore a helmet, he just giggled.  Guess what he's getting for his birthday!  He says staying active has kept him alive this long, and I'm not going to argue with him. 

The simple things in life are usually the best things.

Last year my boys wanted to take grandpa to Pink's in downtown Los Angeles, because they are known for their fabulous hot dogs, and hot dogs are one of grandpa's favorite foods.  He was a little dubious about Pink's, but being the trooper he is, he was willing to drive an hour and wait in line another thirty minutes to try a dog, because the boys said it was worth it.  His verdict?  The ones at Costco are just as good, half the price, and way less trouble. Sometimes the simple things in life are the best things.

A positive attitude helps you get through anything.

Grandpa Ed's life certainly hasn't been perfect, and he's had his share of health troubles. He's survived prostate cancer, kidney cancer, colon cancer and melanoma.  Luckily everything was caught early when most treatable, but through every surgery and illness he maintains a positive attitude.  He tells me there's no point in being depressed about it - what will be, will be. Except when grandma died, I've never seen him sad - he just smiles and gets on with living.

Life doesn't end when you get older.

When he was 80, grandpa took up painting and drawing as a hobby, and he's pretty good at it. He set up an art studio in his formal living room when grandma passed (I'm sure she haunts him over this - we were never even allowed in that room).  He goes to the senior center every week - always on the lookout for new friends.  Not a day goes by that he doesn't get up at 7am, get dressed in his signature jeans and polo shirt, and head out of the house.  Sure, there's an afternoon nap every day, but not until he's accomplished something.

Happy 99th birthday grandpa!

Be sure to come back on Monday for TBB Asks.  We've got some fun back to school questions for September, and we'd love you to link up with us!


  1. What a great post! Happy Birthday Grandpa Ed!


  2. God bless your grandpa! What a great role model. You come from good stock Lana! Enjoy your special grandpa, what an amazing life!

  3. Happy Birthday Grandpa Ed! So glad to have had the chance to meet him.

  4. Happy Birthday, Grandpa Ed!! I wish I knew him!

  5. Grandpa Ed seems amazing! I love to read about him.
    I think I did have a Pink's hot dog once but at 3:00am?? Costco is the way to go any day!

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  13. Reaching 99 years is an incredible milestone, and Grandpa Ed's life is a testament to the wisdom and experiences gathered over nearly a century. Spending time with someone who has lived through so much history is both inspiring and educational. It reminds us of the value of resilience and the importance of cherishing every moment. As I prepare to take my GED exam, I think about Grandpa Ed’s dedication and perseverance throughout his life. His example motivates me to work hard and pursue my goals, knowing that with determination, anything is possible.


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