My New Happy: What I'd Wear To The Gym

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

What I'd Wear To The Gym

Happy Wednesday and welcome to TBB Style with The Blended Blog.  Our fabulous hostess this week is Shelly, so be sure to pay her a visit and add your post to the link up!

Today we're sharing our workout clothes.  Which, in my case, are not fit to be seen on the blog.  99 percent of the time I work out at home, and I've got a few pair of tattered shorts and t-shirts that I rotate through.  They're old and full of holes and never make it outside the house.

But if I were to actually go to a gym, this is probably what I'd wear.

I'm not one to spend a ton of money on active wear (obviously, refer to ratty workout clothes above).  Mostly because it just gets all sweaty.  Also, I like variety.  Which is why I love Old Navy.  Their active wear is cute and inexpensive, and honestly holds up pretty well.  And who doesn't want to wear pretty pink flowers to yoga class?
The top is from Collette at Brand Squawk, a boss babe I wrote about on Monday.  This shirt is so soft and cozy, and pretty much sums up every day of my life.  And yes, I'd wear long sleeves to the gym because I'm cold even there.

Be sure to link up with us, or join along with #theblendedblogstyle.


  1. And you’d be the cutest girl in the gym. No gym membership for me either, I like my privacy in my workouts.

    1. Plus it takes so much time to drive there and back!

  2. I love your tee! I am with you - the workout clothes consist of my summer short and a tank - nothing fancy!

    Daily Style Finds

  3. I'm SO like you Lana!! It seems such a waste to spend a lot on workout clothes. Especially since I'm doing online yoga. But we do go to stretch class about once a week, so I have added a few "nice" pieces.

    1. That's why I like the Old Navy leggings - I can wear them to work out or just hang out, so dual purpose!

  4. Cutest top and I love those leggings - the roses are so pretty!

  5. I am so glad to hear I am not alone when it comes to the workout clothes I wear at home! It is so tough for me to spend money on things that don't have multiple uses.

  6. I don't spend alot of money on workout clothes, either. I saw some similar floral leggings at Old Navy before Christmas, but floral on my butt just didn't look that great!!

  7. I saw the title of this post and got super excited. I go to the gym 4-5 days a week most of my clothes are spandex and workout clothes and I love it. I’m loving your gym outfit Lana this is totally something I would live. I overthink everything haha

  8. I don't like to spend a lot on workout clothes either and I do go to the gym! I love your floral leggings and that top is so fun! What a perfect quote!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  9. I know what you are saying! I workout at home, and gnerally its a tank top from target and shorts, I did buy some cute leggings on sale this year. I love the top, cute quote and Im a fan of floral leggings, so cute!
    jess xx

  10. I don't like to spend a ton of money on workout gear but I do like to at least look cute when I'm doing it. I do love that cute sweatshirt!

  11. OK, you would be the cutest, most dressed up babe at the gym for sure. Most of my few active wear I own is also from Old Navy and it is made well, like you said. Love your tee!

    My new Thursday Moda Linkup is already LIVE! Come join it my friend! =) Thanks.

    Have a Pretty Weekend my friend! Ada. =)

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  15. I dress a little more comfortably than usual in workout gear and sneakers. However, I would still want to smell fresh and will typically apply a light mist from top perfume brands for men, There’s always that little extra confidence a pleasant smell can bring, even when you’re working out.


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