My New Happy: For Ladies Celebrating Ladies

Friday, February 15, 2019

For Ladies Celebrating Ladies

Thank you, Leslie Knope, for making Galentine's Day a thing. 

I've loved seeing  all the posts this week of women celebrating their friendships.  Having a group of people in your life that will support you, love on you, and lift you up is so important.

And so much harder to maintain as we get older.

When I was younger, it was easy to make friends.  There were more opportunities to gather with those who shared the same interests.  As the boys grew, there was time to get to know each other as we chatted through play dates, sports events, birthday parties.

But the older we get, they can start to drift away.  Things get busy, interests change, life moves on.

Don't let them drift.  Make the time.  Do the things.

I recently read a study that found that women should go out with their girlfriends twice a week for better health.  Being with friends allows you to vent, laugh, and share things that only other women will understand. 

I mean, I love my husband with all my heart, and he's my best friend.  But sometimes (okay, most of the time) he doesn't want to hear about hot flashes, shopping, or how much I miss the boys.  We need our girlfriends for that.

And while you're at it, make some new friends too.  I know it's still scary, asking someone if they want to sit at the table with you.  But do it for the laughter, the love, and a healthier you.

Do it for Leslie Knope.  For ladies celebrating ladies.  Happy Galentine's Day!


  1. I love that this is a thing now!! Our friends make our lives so much better.
    Have a wonderful weekend, Lana!!

  2. aww, you are so sweet, and so true! Harder to make friends as you get older, you really need to put yourself out there. I get to see you in 9 days, woo hoo!

  3. Boy this hits home for me. I remember standing around the big gathering of seniors last year taking prom pictures and thinking, "we'll never see the majority of these people again." A chapter closed. The people we've been chatting with at school events for the last 13 years we'd see no longer. It was a strange realization. Now that our kids have grown my friends are pursuing passions they put on hold and that takes them away. Love the idea of Galentine's and every year I say I'm gonna do something and I never do! Great post Lana!

  4. This makes my heart warm!!
    so special

  5. Not sure about twice a week, but once I week with my Galentines would be awesome!


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